Period: December 2023- June 2024
Funder: Pact International
Project Goal:
The main aim of this project is to provide evidence-based reports on human rights violations and violations to the international humanitarian law committed during the April 15th 2023 war in Sudan to enable local civil society organizations and international organizations undertake advocacy and probable litigation to fight the longstanding culture of impunity and pave the way for future transitional justice processes.
Project Objectives:
- Monitor, document and report on human rights violations committed by the main warring parties, the RSF and the SAF, as well as other non-state entities, against civilians and civilian facilities.
- Provide secured and reliable data repository for advocacy and possible future litigation and transitional justice processes in Sudan.
- Work with civil society and the international community on the importance of their role in the protection of human rights through visible advocacy, exposing the perpetrators and holding them accountable.
- 36 reports with information on human rights violations will be produced according to international standards.
- All material and data will be stored, managed, analyzed, shared and published by the project team.
- Advocacy activities will be executed online and in the media, as well as within the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the AU, and the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR).
Expected Impact:
- Provision of evidence-based reports that can be used for advocacy and possible litigation is important for future transitional justice processes.
- Increased awareness of human rights abuses in Sudan will support efforts to hold perpetrators accountable and seek justice for the affected population both locally and internationally.
- Strengthened capacity of civil society organizations in the target areas, will foster long-term engagement in human rights monitoring and documentation initiatives thus preventing the recurrence of atrocities