The administration of Al-Fashir University announced that a number of private admission students have been dismissed due to their inability to pay fees. Additionally, the classes have been indefinitely suspended at certain levels at the Faculty of Medicine due to sit-ins organized by the students to protest the increase in fees.
The Board of Directors of Al-Fashir University decided to suspend classes for medical students of batches 22-25 in addition to a group from batch 10 who refused to take their pediatric exam. According to the statement issued by the board of directors, studies will continue for trainees and the administration will take all procedures to empty the protesting students from the dorms .
Medical students have in turn refused the decision by the administration and they described it as arbitrary. One student who asked to remain anonymous told Afia Darfur that they were expecting the initiative of the legislative council to succeed and they called on the Ministry of Higher Education and human rights organizations to interfere in this dilemma.