The citizens of Eastern Sudan, in their three states (the Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref) have suffered from the civil war that took place in large parts of the area and paid a high price for it. They were therefore the first to welcome the signing of the peace agreements that took place in (Naivasha, Cairo and Asmara) and succeeded in the cease-fire agreement.
Although the peace agreements did not meet all their aspirations for development, justice and freedom, they remained very keen in maintaining peace and cooperated in this regard with all parties involved, including the Sudanese Government, Security and Sudanese Military Forces.
Unfortunately, since December 2017, different armed forces and militias have been violating the region’s peace and are jeopardising the peace agreements.


Find attached the open letter in English, Arabic and French.

Arabic Version: [gview file=””]

English Version: [gview file=””]

French Version: [gview file=””]